The 5 Most Informative Tech Blogs to Follow in 2017

Staying in the know today has been made a whole lot easier with the internet. Gone are the days when you still have to wait for the morning paper to find out the latest buzz, especially in the world of technology. There is no need to run to the nearest local store to get to know more about the newest video game or the hottest gadget in town. All you have to do is go online and check your favorite technology blogs, and you are already in the loop.

This 2017, more exciting innovations and advancements await consumers as technology giants work round the clock on their finest masterpieces yet. Promising consumer electronics, interactive video games, electric vehicles, and a whole lot more of these interesting works that aim to make your daily lives easier— they represent the future, which is actually here and now.

In order to keep yourself updated as to which products to get next or to save up for, check out the most informative tech blogs to follow in 2017:

Ars Technica

  • Ars Technica LogoFounding Year: 1998
  • Founder: Ken Fisher and Stokes
  • Current Owner: Conde Nast
  • Global Ranking: 1,799th (as of December 2016)

Daily, in-depth content on Ars Technica is mostly produced by post-graduate writers, making them more reliable and trustworthy. Posts published on this website are classified into four categories: Features, Guides, News, and Reviews. As it celebrates the beauty of modern-day innovation it truly lives up to its name, which means “art of technology”.


  • Founding Year: 1994
  • Founder: Shelby Bonnie and Halsey Mirror
  • Current Owner: CBS
  • Global Ranking: 158th (as of December 2016)

CNET is an authority when it comes to all kinds of technology news. It publishes content in four different classifications: How To, News, Reviews, and Videos. You are likely to enjoy navigating this website if you are fond of watching tutorials and reading product reviews.


  • Founding Year: 2004
  • Founder: Peter Rojas
  • Current Owner: AOL
  • Global Ranking: 576th (as of December 2016)

This award-winning tech blog is widely popular in North America and Asia. Thanks to its multilingual support, anyone in the world can enjoy consuming content at ease. Engadget has been featured in Times magazine in 2010, a feat that further reiterates its position in the industry it belongs to.


  • Founding Year: 2002
  • Founder: Peter Rojas
  • Current Owner: Univision Communications
  • Global Ranking: 385th (as of September 2016)

Gizmodo has everything that a tech geek is looking for in a tech blog— from guides to reviews to video tutorials to the latest concepts, name it, the website has it. It also supports multiple languages, making it easier for everyone to access the latest trends.


  • techcrunchFounding Year: 2005
  • Founder: Michael Arrington and Keith Teare
  • Current Owner: AOL
  • Global Ranking: 493rd (as of December 2016)

If you are more interested in exclusives and breaking news in the tech industry, TechCrunch is definitely your go-to. This website is known for featuring tech analyses, covering noteworthy events, and everything in between. You will never go astray, whether you are a novice or an enthusiast, with this trusted tech blog.  It’s also been heralded as one of the 10 most Technology pages in Instagram.

There you have it— the most informative tech blogs to follow in 2017! Make sure to always check these websites out; the tech enthusiast inside of you would not want to be outdated! Stay in with the new and out with the old!

Carpal Tunnel for Programmers – How to Avoid it

Carpal tunnel is an arm and hand condition characterized by weakness, tingling, numbness, and other symptoms due to the pressure on the nerves on your wrist. Factors such as the anatomy of the wrist, patterns of hand use, and certain underlying problems can generally contribute to this condition. As a programmer, chances of getting carpal tunnel syndrome are very high. This is because you rely on your hands to do the job.

The most common symptoms of this ailment include numbness, tingling, pain, and weakness in the hand, wrist or fingers. However, some people may experience pain between their arms and the elbow. The signs are mostly visible in the index finger, thumb, middle finger, and the ring. If you have issues with other fingers apart from the little one it means you are suffering from carpal tunnel. This is because the little finger is connected to a different nerve. But how can you avoid this

How to Avoid CTS

  • Use Ergonomic Computer Equipment – There are now specialized versions of computer chairs, desks, keyboards and mice that really help to avoid repetitive strain disorders.  Do yourself a favor and research vertical mice and ergonomic chairs, they will go a long way to saving your wrist/forearm and back from problems associated with long hours at the computer. The following video from the Mayo Clinic gives some insight into the proper computer workstation:

  • Take care and exercise- For you to avoid carpal tunnel for programmers, you need to take care and exercise. There is a strong connection between physical health and mental health hence exercising is very important.
  • Relax your grip- While working, most people use more force than they require. If you are a programmer, ensure that you hit the keyboard keys lightly. You can also opt to use a big pen with an oversized soft grip to help you relax your grip. By doing this, you will not press hard on the paper or hold the pen tightly while you are working.
  • Change your work position and improve your posture- To improve your posture, get an ergonomic chair for programmers and vary the position of your desk. Try using a different keyboard or even experiment with other keyboard layouts such as Dvorak. More so, if you are using a mouse, try switching to trackpad or trackball. Even within mice, there are several different types that you can use.
  • Take breaks- Once in while you can give your wrist and hands a break by gently bending and stretching them. You can also change what you are dong as often as possible. If you are using a machine that requires you to exert a great force taking breaks is very important. Some of these stretches are not only quick but also easy to integrate into your normal lifestyle.
  • Put on a wrist splint- If you are unable to control your wrist motion while sleeping, use a wrist splint. This will ensure that your wrist is kept in a normal position so as to reduce the stress on the fingers. Apart from this, you also need to keep your hands warm. Remember, you are more likely to develop carpal tunnel for programmers if you are working in a cold environment. If you are unable to control the temperature you may consider using fingerless gloves to ensure that your arms remain warm.

Above everything else just take extremely good care of yourself, exercise a lot and get the best posture while working.


Top 5 Reasons Why IT Companies Might Need Credit Repair to Grow

The benefits of timely credit repair for both businesses and individuals cannot be underestimated. While this prudent financial move is highly recommended for all, it’s especially advantageous to agencies service provision industry. As such, this article highlights some key benefits enjoyed by far-sighted companies that constantly seek credit repair services. Continue reading to discover the top 5 reasons why IT companies might need credit repair to grow.

1. Better Credit Score

Given the compelling fact that every thriving enterprise needs hassle-free access to urgent credit, seeking regular credit repair services is a great tip for boosting one’s creditworthiness. As such, IT firms that would want to stay ahead of their market rivals should always keep a clean credit history in order to qualify for financing in case of unfortunate eventualities such as unforeseen cash crunch. While an IT company may not envision the near prospects of applying for loans, it’s strongly advised to put your house well in order since you don’t what tomorrow has in store for your enterprise.

2. Reduced Insurance Costs

A poor credit rating can negatively affect a businesses growth potential, but there are ways to fix it.

Although some lame-duck or passionless corporate executives may ignore the enduring impact of one’s credit score on routine insurance costs, visionary company chiefs fully understand that impressive credit ratings can markedly lower insurance premiums. Don’t overlook the fact that insurers closely analyze all the likely monetary risks your venture is prone to when calculating regular insurance payments. As a result, you should keep a solid credit track record so as to avoid any risk-related surcharges by insurers.

3. Lower Interest Rates

To cushion themselves against high default chances, lenders levy greater interest rates on high-risk borrowers with poor credit scores. Consequently, IT companies should always maintain a clean track record so as to not only easily qualify for lending but also avoid attracting hefty borrowing fees. As aforementioned in the foregoing paragraphs, no company can certainly rule out the unforeseen probability of seeking lending opportunities because fiscal uncertainties are the order of the day in the corporate world.

4.Greater Consumer Confidence

Again, improved credit standings help IT firms inspire greater client confidence. Because both corporate partners and customers take some time to scrutinize a company’s current financial health, growth projectile and total net-worth before making key decisions, an IT agency with superior credit ratings is bound to appeal to punters and other important stakeholders in the super-competitive industry. No one will accept to invest in a company that’s always teetering on the brink of possible financial crises. By the same token clients would want to hire a service provider with an impenetrably sound financial foundation.

5. Professional Credit Repair Services

As an IT company, you may not have the requisite accountancy/fiscal know-how to iron out your credit stats. Therefore, prioritizing credit repair gives you an opportunity to enjoy professional financial services offered by qualified and seasoned specialists in money matters (for example, you can review here). This not only gives employees a chance to concentrate on their core responsibilities without having to meddle in extra-professional duties such as tackling credit repair technicalities. The IT firm’s top executives also rest assured that credit repair matters are in the capable and experienced hands of real gurus in the financial niche and thus focus their best time and energy on key administrative tasks within their managerial ambit.

iPhone 6 Repair in Edmonton Made Easy

The first moments after you realise you’ve broken your iPhone 6/6S screen can be devastating. You both hate yourself for being silly enough to try and save a bit of money and not putting a proper case on it, as well as just want the issue fixed as soon as possible. No one really thinks they will break their phone, and is quick to laugh at others that have to dish out to get it fixed, or even worse simply buy a brand new phone.

The good news is that if you’ve broken or cracked your iPhone 6 or 6S LCD in the Edmonton South Side area, there are several options you can look into to get the issue fixed sooner than later. Unfortunately Apple users have been breaking their phone screens since the initial release of the iPhone in 2007, so there are plenty of official and un-official solutions.

AppleCare and Warranty Replacement

Broken I-Phone 6 Screen
Broken I-phone screens are a nightmare for those of us that cling to our phones as lifelines. But the can be repairedreplaced easily enough…

When you purchased your iPhone, assuming it was brand new and through Apple or an official cellular carrier like T-Mobile or Verizon, you were likely pitched an Apple Care warranty plan at a $99 price point. Many people thought these were a last minute cash grab, but in fact it’s the most cost-efficient and official methods for fixing your broken iPhone screen or other hardware issue. This warranty entitles you to two phone screen replacements. While it is an official replacement, it does take 2-3 days for Apple to ship you a refurbished phone and there is an extra cost for devices that need additional repairs (i.e home or power buttons). This is still the only official replacement plan, and you can rest easy that the local Edmonton, Alberta Apple Retail location you are dealing with is 100% legit.

Third Party Phone Repairs in South Side Edmonton

The most popular service by far would definitely be third party phone repair which boast same day turnaround times, usually within the hour and can even sometimes come to you and replace the entire front screen right in front of you. Are these services worth it, or should you skip them and avoid the possibility of further damage to your beloved iPhone 6?
The truth is both – unfortunately for those of you with a first generation iPhone 6, you may be looking at an expired warranty which leaves you with limited options. Established PC repair shops have begun offering iPhone repairs and leveraged their experience to get high quality OEM parts in stock which make a big difference among the sea of low quality phone repair shops in the Edmonton area.
As long as the repair shop you’re dealing with offers an extensive 60 day warranty, and has been around longer than a year, you are looking at $120-150 for a good iPhone 6 screen replacement. Our preffered choice if you are local is Matrix Repairs in Edmonton who can get an iPhone screen fixed in under an hour and offer on-site service at no extra cost.

The low-frequency queries. Continuation of the experiment

In continuation of the post of “woofer and promotions. Experiment”.

To promote the main site for the low demand, I was going to pomschyu pair of satellites built on the same script lying on subdomains of the site. The venture failed due to the fact that the promotion of these subdomains is very difficult. It is easier to buy back a couple of domains that in the near future I’m going to do and push them to unite Satellites in a similar structure.

Despite the failed part of the experiment, he vsezh did not go into the dressing and have their findings. Moreover, the positive findings, particularly positive for website promotion by long tail.

Thus, as shown by day, Google good uncovered the site, attendance has risen to an average of 35 people a day, which is not bad for a pacifier. In my opinion of course. All interested in the fact that by analyzing keywords on which Google gives me tops and next)) it turns out that low demand is a very up and bring it targeted traffic to the site. Strange but true. Bass hierarchical structure helps.

This same structure I used to promote the online store. Google already sees the site very well. With the e-shop even flowed orders. And as in an experimental site, it is also key up queries on the bottom of the page in the site structure. Of course there is one oddity. Google raschihlil somehow links to Javascript.

Of course, Yandex acumen not scored and just yesterday the site was bystrobot. Today, online shop dropped out of the index, so soon we get to the tops or on Yasha ban or how often he is 🙂

Zhdems results.

RU Domains and Yandex

At the end of the first half of this year, the second-level domains increase in RU domain was 24.13% (for the same period in 2005 – 20.51%). As at 30 June 2006 in the RU domain, there were 554,519 names. This year is not marked slowdown in domain registration in the summer months. You can say the number of domain growth “stabilized” at around 4% per month.

So we will be one of the owners of the domain. Earlier somehow easier chtoli looked at this domain, because their sites promoted as the Ukrainian and Ukrainian audience. I do not see any difficulty to promote products from Ukraine through the domain RU.

The main advantage of this see – more lenient attitude chtoli Yandex domain. And register it faster and “see better”, respectively, and to promote it by Yandex should be begged.

Let’s see what the difference is between our Previous and current domain ru, can be any, as may be significant. In that hope. By the way, this site will be one of the “sattelitov ‘online stores, because experience has shown traffic from Yandex brings the greatest profit.

A reference and promotion

That era has passed, my faith in the fact that the unique konetnt + optimized site content and lead to results. They certainly bring, but so poor quality that it is a pity aborted time.

While on the other hand … A new belief in the external links to the correct anchors, particles (thematic index of citing), he is sometimes eggs Yandex.

A couple of questions to this topic.

Do not lose your receipt reference value in the near future?
When the citation index will depreciate relative to other elements (work that, from the point of view of web masters, not so tedious)?


Sorry, but getting links – this is still the trump card in the foreseeable future.
I would not hold my breath in anticipation of devaluation of reference in relation to the other elements of the algorithm until the semantics of the Web will not come, or until the HTTP protocol will not replace some other. Because links are the main link, the cement upon which the Web. And for the foreseeable future they will be the easiest way to determine the importance and reliability of the document for the bots.

So says the website optimization. And when I look at it TCI = 2300 starting to believe that getting a couple of inbound links to empty resource directories and a couple with quite incredible to face – I get my result.

After analyzing its resources on the subject of dependency visits from TCI resource and external references (indexed by Yandex) I came to the conclusion – that the steering is subject external links will stand for a long time. And nothing seems to be done about it, the bots do not believe a word 🙂 Yes, work to improve the rating of the reference complex and tedious, for each anchor will have to be overcome or to pay, but it’s worth it.

Yes, that also happens!

Already mentioned the hosting ISP Server, which attracted my attention, and is first in line to replace my current post is not very high-quality Ukrainian hosting

And if not for my advance on to the already probably have long taken advantage of their services. And now, when they occur event:

Spring Virtual hosting for half price!

And it would be desirable to collect the suitcases with all the projects, data bases and zahostit them. But why?

Reason one – development. I do not expect many new and really learn effectively for some 7 months of the blog, for lack of knowledge development and even, perhaps, to organize their own business. Methods of promotion opened up new spaces and want to now start trying everything I know. But for this you need a good hosting … This is the very news from the company ISP Server:

Congratulations on the arrival of spring! This spring the company ISP Server 10 years old. In its first anniversary, we give gifts and discounts are not only our favorite regular customers, but also for those who are going to become.

Season stock lasts! Everyone connected to the virtual hosting in the period from 3 to 31 March 50% discount on all hosting period. The discount applies to both a subscription fee and all additional services.

Hurry! March fly by.

I think only 20 days left

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